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Ми впевнені, що батькам (буде теж цікава) та діткам сподобалась англійська сторінка з нашим другом містером Снейком. Містер Снейк буде вчити діток англійської мови. Для прикладу: українська народа казка "Телесик" в перекладі на англійську із завданнями.



1)Once upon a time there were an old man and an old woman. They did not have 2)children. “3)Who will care after us until our death”, they 4)lamented.

“Go, my old chap, into the 5)forest, 6)cut a piece of wood and make 7)a cradle, I will put the piece of wood into the cradle and lull him; here will be a 8)toy!” the old woman said. At first the old man refused, but 9)the old woman insisted on and on. He 10)obeyed, went to the forest, cut wood and made a cradle.

Lullaby-lyuli, Telesyk,

Kulish is ready,

I will 11)feed you

The old woman cradled until they went 12)to sleep. In the morning they13) got up and 14)found 15)a little boy instead the log in the cradle. They were so glad that 16)could not say a word! They 17)named the boy Telesyk.

1) Once upon a time /уанс епон е тайм/– жили були

2) children /чілдрен/ - діти

3) Who will care after us /ху вшд кєе ас/ - хто буде про нас піклуватися

4) Lamented /ле`ментед/ - журилися

5) forest /форест/ - ліс

6) cut a piece of wood /кат е піс еф вуд/ - вирізати поліно

7) make a cradle /мейк е кредл/ – робити колиску

8) toy /той/ - іграшка

9) the old woman insisted on and on /зі олд вумен інсістід он енд он/ – стара наполягала знов і знов

10) obeyed (to obey) /е`бейд/ - послухався

11) feed (to feed- fed) /фіід/ - годувати

12) to sleep /слііп/ - спати

13) got up (to get- got) /гот ап/ - встали

14) found (find- found) /фаунд/ - знайшли

15) a little boy /е літл бой/ - маленький хлопчик

16) could not say a word (can- could) /куд нот сей е ворд/ - не змогли сказати нічого

17) named (to name) /неймд/ - назвали


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The 18)son was growing. He was so nice to his 19)parents that the old man and the old woman 20)were very happy. One day when he grew up enough he said: “Make me 21)a golden boat and 22)a silver oar, I will 23)catch fish and feed you!”

That old man made a golden boat and a silver oar. The son left 24)along the river. So he went along the river 25)to and fro26)catching fish and feeding his parents. “Look, my son, swim to 27) the bank of the river when you 28)hear and 29)see me, but 30)swim away if you see 31)someone strange! Mother said Telesyk.

Mother cooked some food, brought it to the bank and called:

“Telesyk, Telesyk!

32)Swim up, swim up!

I will give you some 33)food and drink!”

Telesyk heard her. “Closer, closer my boat to the bank! There is my mother, she brought me 34)breakfast”, Telesyk said. He 35)moored, ate his breakfast then swam along the river again.

18) Son /сан/ - син

19) was growing(to grow-grew-grown)/вос гроуінг/- зростав

20) parents /`перентс/ - батьки

21) were very happy /вьо вері хепі/ - були дуже щасливі

22) a golden boat /е голден боут/ - золотий човен

23) a silver oar /е сілве о:/ - срібне весло

24) to catch fish /кеч е фіш/ - ловити рибу

25) along the river /елонг зі ріве/ - по річці

26) to and fro /ту енд фро/ - з одного місця на інше

27) catching fish /кетчинг фіш/ - ловлячи рибу

28) the bank of the river /зе бенк еф зі ріве/ - берег річки

29) to hear(to hear-heard-hear) /хіе/ - чути

30) to see (to see-saw-seen) /сі:/ - бачити

31) to swim away(to swim-swam-swum) /свим евей/ -пливти геть

32) someone strange /самуван стрейндж/ - хтось незнайомий

33) Mother /мазе/ - мати

34) cooked some food (to cook) /кукт сам фуд/ - приготувала їжу

35) swim up /свим ап/ - приплинь

36) food and drink /фуд енд дрінк/ - їжа і напої

37) breakfast /брекфест/ - сніданок

38) moored (to moor) /`муед/ - пристав до берега


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Pare… ts, mot…er, bre …kfast, s … im, c … ok, cat … h, rive…


A 39)wicked witch 40)overheard mother called Telesyk. She came to the bank of the river and called Telesyk 41)in husky voice:

“Telesyk, Telesyk!

Swim up, swim up!

I will give you some food and drink!”

Telesyk heard husky voice of the wicked witch and said:”Swim away my boat quickly! This is not my mother!” The wicked witch 42)waited for a long time but 43)went away.

Mother cooked 44)dinner, came to the river and called:

“Telesyk, Telesyk!

Swim up, swim up!

I will 45)give you some food and drink!”

Telesyk heard her. “Closer, closer my boat to the bank! There is my mother, she 46)brought me dinner”, Telesyk said.

He swam up, ate his dinner and gave his mother some fish then he swam away along the river.

39)wicked witch /уікід уич/ - зла відьма

40)overheard (to overhear) /оверхед/ - підслухала

41)in husky voice /ін хаскі воіс/ - хриплим голосом

42)waited for a long time ( to wait) /уейтід фо е лонг тайм/ - чекала протягом тривалого часу

43)went away (to go-went-gone) /вент евей/ - пішла геть

44)dinner /′діне/ - обід

45)to give (gave-given) /гів/ - давати

46)brought (to bring-brought) /брот/ - принесла


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The wicked witch came to the river again and called in husky voice:

“Telesyk, Telesyk!

Swim up, swim up!

I will give you some food and drink!”

Telesyk heard husky voice of the wicked witch and said: ”Swim away my boat quickly! This is not my mother!”

The wicked witch went to the 47) blacksmith:

“Blacksmith, blacksmith! Smith me a 48) thin voice, like Telesyk’s mother!”

The blacksmith did as the wicked witch wanted. She came to the river again and called:

“Telesyk, Telesyk!

Swim up, swim up!

I will give you some food and drink!”

Telesyk heard the voice. He 49) thought his mother came. “50)Closer, closer my boat to the bank! There is my mother, she brought me dinner”, Telesyk said and swam up. The wicked witch caught him quickly and run to her hut.

47) blacksmith /блексміт/ - коваль

48) thin /сін/ - тонкий

49) thought (to think-thought) /соот) - думав

50)Closer /клозе) – блище


Складіть речення зі слів:





wicked/ him/The/caught/witch/quickly.

Додайте початкову форму дієслів:


Wicked witch 51)ordered her 52)daughter 53)to heat up a 54)furnice and 55)bake Telesyk. Then she 56)flew away.

So the daughter heated up the oven and then said:

“Sit down, Telesyk on a 57)shovel!” But he says:

“I can’t, I don’t know how to sit on a shovel.

58)Show me because 59)I do not know how.” The wicked witch’s daughter 60)sat down on the shovel. Telesyk quickly 61)throw her into the furnace, left the house and 62)climbed up the highest tree. Soon the wicked witch 63)arrives.

Hey, my daughter, open.

Nobody answered.

The wicked witch 64)came into the house and did not find her daughter and Telesyk. She 65)ran out quickly.

The wicked witch 66)was looking everywhere but couldn’t find Telesyk. Suddenly she looked up and saw Telesyk 67)on the tree. The wicked witch 68)rushed to the tree and started 68)to gnaw the tree. She was gnawing so 69)furiously that 70)broke her teeth. The wicked witch rushed to the blacksmith.

“Blacksmith, blacksmith! Smith me an 71)iron teeth to gnaw the tree through.”

51)ordered (to order)/одеред/ - наказала

52)daughter /доте/ - донька

53)to heat up /хііт ап/ - нагріти

54)furnace /фёніс/- піч

55)bake /бейк/ - запікати

56)flew away (to fly) /флу евей/ - полетіла геть

57)shovel/шавел/- лопата

58)to show(showed-shown) /шоу/- показувати

59)I do not know how /ай ноу хау/ - я не знаю як

60)sat down (to sit down)/сет даун) - сіла

61)throw into (threw-thrown) /сроу інту/ - вкинув

62)climbed up (to climb)/клаймб ап/ - заліз на дерево

63)arrives (to arrive) /ерайвз/ - прибуває

64)came into (to come)/кейм інту/ - ввійшла

65)ran out (to run) /рен аут/ - вибігла

66)was looking everywhere /вос лукінг еврівее/ - дивилась скрізь

67)on the tree /он зе трі:/- на дереві

68)rushed /рашт/ - кинулась

68)to gnaw /те гноу/ - гризти

69)furiously /фьюріеслі/ - шалено

70)broke her teeth /броук хё тіс/ - зламала свій зуб

71)iron teeth /айрен тіс/ - залізний зуб


Викресліть слово, яке не підходить за значенням:

daughter son – father – mother – house

arrive – come – run out – get – go into

look – see – watch – hear - observe

tree – birch – bird – fur-tree – pine-tree

Підкресліть правильне слово

1) The wicked witch came into/rushed into the house and did not find his daughter and Telesyk.

2) She ran out/left quickly.

3) The wicked witch was looking everywhere/ somewhere but couldn’t find Telesyk.

4) Suddenly she looked up and saw Telesyk on the tree/ roof.

5) The wicked witch rushed/ran to the tree and started to gnaw the tree.

6) She was gnawing so furiously that broke/lost her teeth.


Smith made the teeth the wicked witch wanted. She started again and almost gnawed the tree through. The 72)skein of geese was flying. Telesyk asked them:

“Geese, geese, goslings!

Take me on your wings.

Bear me to my father,

And my father give you

some food and drink!”

The geese answered:

“Let our next skein of geese take you!”

Next skein of geese was flying. Telesyk asked them:

“Geese, geese, goslings!

Take me on your wings.

Bear me to my father,

And my father give you

Some food and drink.”

The geese answered:

“Let the skein of geese following us take you!”

A wicked witch was gnawing the tree on and on, it is already 73)bursting, 74)reeling. Next skein of geese was flying. Telesyk asked them:

“Geese, geese, goslings!

Take me on your wings.

Bear me to my father,

And my father give you

Some food and drink!”

Sit down and hold the wings! A wicked witch rushed 75)to chase Telesyk but 76)failed. The geese brought Telesyk to his home. They put Telesyk 77)on a mound of earth near the house.

72)skein of geese /скейн ев гі:с/ - стая диких гусей

73)bursting (to burst- тріскатись) /бёстінг/ - тріскаючись

74)reeling (to ree-хитатисяl) /рі:лінг/- хитаючись

75)to chase /чейз/ - переслідувати

76)failed (to fail) /фейлд/ - потерпіла невдачу

77)on a mound /он е маунд/ - на призьбі


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Subrt, esege, scaeh, afli,mdonu


Telesyk is sitting on the mound of earth near the house and 78)listen what his parents are 79)talking about. The old woman 80)baked a pie and took it out of the oven. The she say:

This is 81)a piece of pie to you and that is to me.

Telesyk says 82)from outside:

“And to me!”

His parents heard that.

“Can you hear someone cries?” - the old woman said.

“You could 83)mishear”, - answered the old man.

Mother saw wild geese in the yard.

- “Look! The geese are walking 84)in the yard. I will catch one of them and cook soup with it.”

- “Don’t do this, mother, but feed them. They 85)saved me and brought back to my 86)native house”, Telesyk cried to his mother.

Mother gave the geese some food and drink and let they flew away.

Here is a 87)tale for you and a bunch of 88)sweet rolls for me.

78)listen /лісн/ - слухати

79)talking about /токінг ебаут/ - розмовляти про

80)baked /бейкт/ - спекла

81)a piece of pie /е піцс ев пай/ - кусочок пирога

82)from outside /фром аутсайд/ - ззовні

83)mishear /місхіе/ - почулось

84)in the yard /ін зе ярд/ - в дворі

85)saved (to save) /сейвд/ - врятували

86)native house /нейтів хаус/ - рідний дім

87)tale /тейл/ - казочка

88)sweet rolls /суіт ролз/ - солодкі булочки


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Пронумеруйте речення в логічному порядку:

Make me a golden boat and a silver oar, I will catch fish and feed you! -

Mother gave the geese some food and drink and let they flew away. -

- Once upon a time there were an old man and an old woman. - 1

The wicked witch caught him quickly and run to her hut. -

The geese brought Telesyk to his home. –

A wicked witch overheard mother called Telesyk. -

The wicked witch rushed to the tree and started to gnaw the tree.-

Go, my old chap, into the forest, cut a log and make a cradle.-

In the morning they got up and found a little boy instead the log in the cradle. -

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Переклад і завдання: Катерина Бондаренко